
Many actions users perform in the H5P system need authorization. By default the library will allow everything to every user. You can customize who can do what, but passing in an implementation of IPermissionSystem into options.permissionSystem of the H5PPlayer or H5PEditor constructor. The library then calls the methods of IPermissionSystem whenever a user performs an action that requires authorization.

See the documentation of IPermissionSystem for and the ExamplePermissionSystem for reference how to implement the permission system.

Note that the IPermissionSystem is a generic. You can use any sub-type of IUser as the generic type. The call of the methods of IPermissionSystem will include a user of the generic type. This is the user object you've injected in your controllers. That means you can add any arbitrary date to it, like roles.

The development of this feature was kindly funded by PHYWE Systeme GmbH und Co. KG (