Multiple content states per object

You can save multiple user states (= the data a learner entered, e.g. the attempts in a fill-in-the-blanks activity) for one user - content tuple. This is a useful feature, if you want to allow your users to have more than one attempt per content object and if they can return to older ones.

This feature is unique to this H5P NodeJs implementation and not part of the standard H5P PHP server version.

If you want to use this feature, your implementation has to provide a contextId in the H5PPlayer.render options:

const html = await h5pPlayer.render(
contentId, // the content id
user, // the current user
'auto', // automatic language detection
contextId: '<YOUR CONTEXT ID>'
// you can add more options here as well

Context ids can't be used in the H5P editor, as the user state in the editor is only used to save things like whether certain info boxes were collapsed. Multiple contexts wouldn't make sense there.

contextId is an arbitrary string value that you define in your implementing system. It is your job to keep it unique and to pass it the the render method. Typically it is associated with some other object in your database anyway (e.g. an attempt object), so you will already have a unique id that you can use here.

It is save to use contextIds if you already have user content data in your system that didn't use contextIds. You can also have user data that has a contextId and other user data that doesn't in the same system.

The H5P Player Web Component and React component also support the context id. You can set the current context id by setting the attribute/property contextId to the desired value. Make sure that you implementation of loadContentCallback accepts contextId as the second parameter, that you include it in the request to the server and that your server passes the contextId to H5PPlayer.render.

Both the FileContentUserDataStorage and MongoContentUserDataStorage support context ids.

The server-side-rendering example supports context ids. You can set the context id by passing it as a query parameter in the URL, e.g. http://localhost:8080/h5p/play/<CONTENTID>?contextId=<CONTEXTID> where <CONTEXTID> is an arbitrary value you can make up on the fly.

The REST example also supports context ids. You can see the currently used context id in the user interface after the # icon. You can change the current context id with the button.

The development of this feature was kindly funded by PHYWE Systeme GmbH und Co. KG (