Getting started with contributing

Make sure you have git, node >= 20, and npm installed. There might be problems if you use yarn as it doesn't use the package-lock.json file and you might get incorrect and untested dependencies.

Important: If you use Windows, you must use Bash (comes with Git for windows) as a command shell (otherwise scripts won't run).

git clone
cd h5p-nodejs-library
npm install
npm run setup

This will install all dependencies in all packages, linking all cross-dependencies and downloads test dependencies such as the h5p core and editor library as well as content types.

This repository is a NPM workspaces monorepo. A monorepo is one repository for several packages, which can be found in the packages/ folder. Each subfolder is its own package, published via npm. Packages are mostly self contained except for the following cases:

  • NPM modules needed for every package are located in the root package.json and node_module folder. For example, the jest testing framework and typescript are used in every package - therefore these are made accessible in every package.
  • data used for unit and integration tests that are required by more than one package are located in test/data. Data used for only single packages is located in the respective package/<name>/test/data folder.

You must transpile the TypeScript files to ES5 for the project to work (the TypeScript transpiler will be installed automatically if you run npm install):

npm run build

To start the server-side-rendering example run

npm start

and open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.