A light wrapper calling the ClamAV scanner to scan files for malware. It utilizes the clamscan package.

Note: You need to have a ClamAV running somewhere to use this and you must update ClamAVs virus definitions regularly yourself from outside this class.





name: string = 'ClamAV virus scanner'

The name of the scanner, e.g. ClamAV


  • Factory method to create a new instance of ClamAVScanner. You can't use the constructor directly, as we need to initialize the ClamAV scanner asynchronously.


    • OptionalclamavOptions: Options

      the options as required by the ClamAV scanner (see https://www.npmjs.com/package/clamscan). This is simply passed through to ClamAV, expect for the parameters removeInfected, quarantineInfected and scanRecursively: these are set to false to make sure the behavior is as @lumieducation/h5p-server expects it.

    Returns Promise<default>