Represents the information needed to identify an installed library. This information is also called ubername when it's represented as a string like this: H5P.Example-1.0 Even though H5P libraries generally also have a patch version (1.0.0), the patch version is not needed to identify an installed library as there can only be one installed patch version of a library at a time. (However, It is possible to install the same library in different major or minor versions. That's why the machine name is not enough to identify it.)



  • Constructs the object and validates the parameters.


    • machineName: string
    • majorVersion: number
    • minorVersion: number

    Returns LibraryName

    errors if the validation fails


machineName: string

The name used to identify the library (e.g. H5P.Example)

majorVersion: number

The major version of the library (e.g. 1)

minorVersion: number

The minor version of the library (e.g. 0)


  • Creates a library object from a library name. Also validates the ubername to protect against attempts to manipulate the server by creating library names.


    • ubername: string

      The library name in a format "H5P.Example-1.0" or "H5P.Example 1.0" (see options)

    • options: { useHyphen?: boolean; useWhitespace?: boolean } = ...

    Returns ILibraryName

    undefined if the name could not be parsed

    H5pError with 400 when the ubername is invalid

  • Returns the ubername for a library (e.g. H5P.ExampleLibrary-1.0). Also validates the ubername to protect against attempts to manipulate the server by creating invalid ubernames.


    • libraryName: ILibraryName
    • options: { useHyphen?: boolean; useWhitespace?: boolean } = ...

    Returns string