This library provides everything needed to create custom H5P servers running on NodeJS. It is written in TypeScript and fully typed, which makes it much easier to work with than the official PHP server. Of course, it's also possible to use this library in projects with JavaScript (ES5) and you will still profit from the typings by getting code completion in your IDE.
The library is not an out-of-the-box solution to get a standalone H5P application. It's still your job to integrate this library into your own NodeJS server. This is called an "implementation" or "plugin" in H5P terminology. The implementation is responsible for exposing HTTP endpoints, persisting data and calling maintenance functions. This library is not an out-of-the-box solution to get a standalone H5P server.
Check out the GitBook documentation for details on how to use this library.
@lumieducation/h5p-server is one of several packages by Lumi Education that work in conjunction to simplify creating H5P applications. They are all managed in the h5p-nodejs-library monorepo on GitHub and are available on NPM.
There are two example implementations that illustrate how the packages can be used:
Example type | Tech stack | Location |
server-side-rendering | server: Express with JS template rendering client: static HTML, some React for library management | /packages/h5p-examples |
Single Page Application | server: Express with REST endpoints client: React | /packages/h5p-rest-example-server /packages/h5p-rest-example-client |
We use SemVer for versioning. The versions of all packages of the monorepo are all increased at the same time, so you should always update all packages at once. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This work obtained financial support for development from the German BMBF-sponsored research project "CARO - Care Reflection Online" (FKN: 01PD15012).
Read more about them at the following websites: