Offers functionality to create .h5p files from content that is stored in the system.





  • Creates a .h5p-package for the specified content file and pipes it to the stream. Throws H5pErrors if something goes wrong. The contents of the stream should be disregarded then.

    IMPORTANT: This method's returned promise will resolve BEFORE piping to the writeable has been finished. If you outputStream is directly piped to a download that's not an issue, but if you do something else with this stream, you have to wait for the piping to finish by subscribing to the 'finish' event of the stream!


    • contentId: string

      The contentId for which the package should be created.

    • outputStream: Writable

      The stream that the package is written to (e.g. the response stream fo Express)

    • user: IUser

    Returns Promise<void>