Testing and code quality

After installation, you can run the tests with

npm run test
npm run test:integration
npm run test:e2e
npm run test:h5p-mongos3 # (require running MongoDB server)

You can run the e2e tests with h5p packages on your local system like this:

H5P_FILES=test/data/hub-content ERROR_FILE=errors.txt npm run test:server+upload

The library emits log messages with debug. To see those messages you have to set the environment variable DEBUG to h5p:*. There are several log levels. By default you'll only see the messages sent with the level info. To get the verbose log, set the environment variable LOG_LEVEL to debug (mind the capitalization).

Example (for Linux):

DEBUG=h5p:* LOG_LEVEL=debug node script.js

Check out the many other npm scripts in package.json for other development functionality.

Check out this page for more details on how to update the H5P core files when there is a new release of the H5P core or the H5P editor core.

We aim at achieving high code quality by following these principles:

  • All public methods and all classes must contain JSDoc comments that contain a full documentation of the entity's function, all of its parameters and return values.
  • We try to follow the patterns of object oriented programming.
  • All code must be formatted by prettier.
  • All code must pass the TS Lint checks.
  • Every piece of functionality that is added to the library should be covered by a test.
  • When fixing a bug, a test proving that the bug has been fixed should be added to the project whenever possible.
  • All logical code branches should be covered by test except.
  • All tests should be part of the CI pipeline.
  • All code that is merged into master must pass the CI pipeline's tests.

You can check whether your own code passes most of these requirements by running npm run ci (doesn't include tests requiring a database).