This is the structure of the object received by the editor client when saving content. It is also used when creating h5p.json files for .h5p packages.

interface IContentMetadata {
    a11yTitle?: string;
    authorComments?: string;
    authors?: IContentAuthor[];
    changes?: IContentChange[];
    contentType?: string;
    defaultLanguage: string;
    dynamicDependencies?: ILibraryName[];
    editorDependencies?: ILibraryName[];
    embedTypes: ("div" | "iframe")[];
    h?: string;
    language: string;
    license: string;
    licenseExtras?: string;
    licenseVersion?: string;
    mainLibrary: string;
    metaDescription?: string;
    metaKeywords?: string;
    preloadedDependencies: ILibraryName[];
    source?: string;
    title: string;
    w?: string;
    yearFrom?: string;
    yearTo?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


a11yTitle?: string
authorComments?: string
authors?: IContentAuthor[]
changes?: IContentChange[]
contentType?: string
defaultLanguage: string
dynamicDependencies?: ILibraryName[]
editorDependencies?: ILibraryName[]
embedTypes: ("div" | "iframe")[]
h?: string
language: string
license: string
licenseExtras?: string
licenseVersion?: string
mainLibrary: string
metaDescription?: string
metaKeywords?: string
preloadedDependencies: ILibraryName[]

A flat list of all dependencies required for the content to be displayed. Note that this list is a flat representation of the full dependency tree that is created by looking up all dependencies of the main library.

source?: string
title: string
w?: string
yearFrom?: string
yearTo?: string