A response that is sent back to an AJAX call.

interface IGetContentUserData {
    data: any;
    details?: string;
    errorCode?: string;
    httpStatusCode?: number;
    message?: string;
    success: boolean;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


data: any

The actual payload. Only to be filled in if the request was successful.

details?: string

Better description of the error and possibly also which action to take. Only to be filled out if success is false.

errorCode?: string

An machine readable error code that the client should be able to interpret. Only to be filled out if success is false.

httpStatusCode?: number

The HTTP status code of the request. (e.g. 200 or 404)

message?: string

The localized error message. Only to be filled out if success is false.

success: boolean

True if the request was successful, false if something went wrong (errorCode and message should be filled in then).