Adds a library file to a library. The library metadata must have been installed with addLibrary(...) first. Throws an error if something unexpected happens. In this case the method calling addFile(...) will clean up the partly installed library.
The library that is being installed
Filename of the file to add, relative to the library root
true if successful
Adds the metadata of the library to the repository and assigns a new id to the installed library. This dea is used later when the library must be referenced somewhere. Throws errors if something goes wrong.
True if the library can only be used be users allowed to install restricted libraries.
The newly created library object to use when adding library files with addFile(...)
Removes all files of a library. Doesn't delete the library metadata. (Used when updating libraries.)
the library whose files should be deleted
Removes the library and all its files from the repository. Throws errors if something went wrong.
The library to remove.
Check if the library contains a file.
The library to check
true if file exists in library, false otherwise
Counts how often libraries are listed in the dependencies of other libraries and returns a list of the number.
Note: Implementations should not count circular dependencies that are caused by editorDependencies. Example: H5P.InteractiveVideo has H5PEditor.InteractiveVideo in its editor dependencies. H5PEditor.Interactive video has H5P.InteractiveVideo in its preloaded dependencies. In this case H5P.InteractiveVideo should get a dependency count of 0 and H5PEditor.InteractiveVideo should have 1. That way it is still possible to delete the library from storage.
an object with ubernames as key. Example: { 'H5P.Example': 10 } This means that H5P.Example is used by 10 other libraries.
Returns the number of libraries that depend on this (single) library.
the library to check
the number of libraries that depend on this library.
Returns a information about a library file. Throws an exception if the file does not exist.
the file stats
Returns a readable stream of a library file's contents. Throws an exception if the file does not exist.
a readable stream of the file's contents
Returns all installed libraries or the installed libraries that have the machine name.
machineName: string(optional) only return libraries that have this machine name
the libraries installed
Gets a list of installed language files for the library.
The library to get the languages for
The list of JSON files in the language folder (without the extension .json)
Gets the information about an installed library
the library
the metadata and information about the locally installed library
Checks if a library is installed.
the library to check
true if the library is installed
listReturns a list of library addons that are installed in the system. Addons are libraries that have the property 'addTo' in their metadata. ILibraryStorage implementation CAN but NEED NOT implement the method. If it is not implemented, addons won't be available in the system.
Gets a list of all library files that exist for this library.
all files that exist for the library
Updates the additional metadata properties that is added to the stored libraries. This metadata can be used to customize behavior like restricting libraries to specific users.
Implementations should avoid updating the metadata if the additional metadata if nothing has changed.
the library for which the metadata should be updated
the metadata to update
true if the additionalMetadata object contained real changes and if they were successfully saved; false if there were not changes. Throws an error if saving was not possible.
Updates the library metadata. This is necessary when updating to a new patch version. After this clearFiles(...) is called by the LibraryManager to remove all old files. The next step is to add the patched files with addFile(...).
the new library metadata
The updated library object
Implementations need to implement the ILibraryStorage interface and pass it to H5PEditor. It is used to persist library information and files permanently. Note that the library metadata and semantics are accessed regularly, so caching them is a good idea. The library files will also be accessed frequently, so it makes sense to keep them in memory and not access a hard disk every time they are downloaded. See the FileLibraryStorage sample implementation in the examples directory for more details.