Stores files uploaded by the user in temporary storage. Note that filenames can be paths like 'images/xyz.png'!

interface ITemporaryFileStorage {
    deleteFile(filename: string, ownerId: string): Promise<void>;
    fileExists(filename: string, user: IUser): Promise<boolean>;
    getFileStats(filename: string, user: IUser): Promise<IFileStats>;
        filename: string,
        user: IUser,
        rangeStart?: number,
        rangeEnd?: number,
    ): Promise<Readable>;
    listFiles(user?: IUser): Promise<ITemporaryFile[]>;
    sanitizeFilename(filename: string): string;
        filename: string,
        dataStream: ReadStream,
        user: IUser,
        expirationTime: Date,
    ): Promise<ITemporaryFile>;

Implemented by


  • Deletes the file from temporary storage (e.g. because it has expired)


    • filename: string

      the filename; can be a path including subdirectories (e.g. 'images/xyz.png')

    • ownerId: string

      (optional) when there is no user deleting, you must specify who the owner of the temporary file is; only needed when userId is null

    Returns Promise<void>

    true if deletion was successful

  • Checks if a file exists in temporary storage.


    • filename: string

      the filename to check; can be a path including subdirectories (e.g. 'images/xyz.png')

    • user: IUser

      the user for who to check

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    true if file already exists

  • Returns a information about a temporary file. Throws an exception if the file does not exist.


    • filename: string

      the relative path inside the library

    • user: IUser

      the user who wants to access the file

    Returns Promise<IFileStats>

    the file stats

  • Returns the contents of a file. Must check for access permissions and throw an H5PError if a file is not accessible.


    • filename: string

      the filename; can be a path including subdirectories (e.g. 'images/xyz.png')

    • user: IUser

      the user who accesses the file

    • OptionalrangeStart: number

      (optional) the position in bytes at which the stream should start

    • OptionalrangeEnd: number

      (optional) the position in bytes at which the stream should end

    Returns Promise<Readable>

    the stream containing the file's content

  • Returns a list of files in temporary storage for the specified user. If the user is undefined or null, lists all files in temporary storage.


    • Optionaluser: IUser

      (optional) Only list files for the user. If left out, will list all temporary files.

    Returns Promise<ITemporaryFile[]>

    a list of information about the files

  • Removes invalid characters from filenames and enforces other filename rules required by the storage implementation (e.g. filename length restrictions).


    • filename: string

      the filename to sanitize

    Returns string

    the clean filename

  • Stores a file. Only the user who stores the file is allowed to access it later.


    • filename: string

      the filename by which the file will be identified later; can be a path including subdirectories (e.g. 'images/xyz.png')

    • dataStream: ReadStream

      the stream containing the file's data

    • user: IUser

      the user who is allowed to access the file

    • expirationTime: Date

      when the file ought to be deleted

    Returns Promise<ITemporaryFile>

    an object containing information about the stored file; undefined if failed