the URL or undefined (Example:`)
Generates a URL to which the user data can be sent.
the user who is currently accessing the h5p object
contextId: stringallows implementation to have multiple user data objects for one h5p content object
asUserId: stringOptional
options: { readonly?: boolean }Generates a URL by which the content can be globally identified (or accessed). The URL is used when generating ids for object in xAPI statements, so it could also be a fake URL that is only used to uniquely identify the content. It could also simply be the contentId. (default behavior) If you store the generated xAPI statement in a neutral LRS and users will see or be able to click the URL, you should customize the URL by overriding this method.
Generates a URL at which the resources of the content can be loaded. Should be undefined if the default content serving mechanism is used. You only have to return a URL here if you want to change the hostname of the route, e.g. if the content files can be requested directly from S3 or a CDN.