Constructing a H5PEditor object

There are two ways of creating a H5PEditor object:

  • You can use the convenience function H5P.fs(...) that uses basic file system implementations for all data storage services. You can use the function if you're just getting started. Later on, you'll want to construct the editor with custom implementations of the data storage services. Check out the JSDoc of the function for details how to use it.
  • You can construct it manually by calling new H5P.H5PEditor(...). The constructor arguments are used to provide data storage services and settings. You can find the interfaces referenced in src/types.ts.

Explanation of the arguments of the constructor:

The cache object is used by the ContentTypeCache to persist information about content types. It might be also used for other functionality in the future. It must be able to store arbitrary nested objects and must implement the interface IKeyValueStorage. If used in a multi-machine or multi-process setup, the cache must be a single point of truth and work across all processes.

An object holding all configuration parameters as properties. It must implement the IH5PConfig interface. You can use the sample implementation in /packages/h5p-server/src/implementation/H5PConfig.ts.

The libraryStorage provides information about installed libraries and installs them. It must implement the ILibraryStorage interface.

If you store all library information as files in folders under ./h5p/libraries you can use the sample implementation in /packages/h5p-server/src/implementation/fs/FileLibraryStorage.ts:

const libraryStorage = new FileLibraryStorage(`h5p/libraries`);

The contentStorage provides information about installed content and creates it. It must implement the IContentStorage interface. If you store all library information as files in folders under ./h5p/content you can use the sample implementation in /packages/h5p-server/src/implementation/fs/FileContentStorage.ts:

const contentStorage = new FileContentStorage(`h5p/content`);

When the user uploads files in the H5P editor client, these files are not directly stored alongside the content, either because the content hasn't been saved before (and there is no contentId) or because this might create left-over files if these files aren't used after all. Instead the server stores these files in a temporary storage system and adds the '#tmp' tag to the files' path. When the editor client requests a file the system retrieves the file from temporary storage instead of the regular content storage.

The temporary storage must implement the interface ITemporaryFileStorage. Furthermore, you should regularly call H5PEditor.temporaryFileManager.cleanUp() to remove unneeded temporary files (every 5 min).

If you don't have a multi-machine setup you can use the sample implementation in /packages/h5p-server/src/implementation/fs/DirectoryTemporaryFileStorage.ts:

const temporaryStorage = new DirectoryTemporaryFileStorage(

The sample implementation has a basic authentication mechanism built in that makes sure that only users who have created a file can access it later.

If you want to localize certain aspects of the editor, you must pass in a function that returns translated strings for certain keys. This function in turn can call another translation library to perform the localization. We suggest using i18next as the keys @lumieducation/h5p-server uses follow the conventions of i18next. You can still choose any translation library you like.

// Pass translationCallbackAdapter as a parameter to H5PEditor.
const translationCallbackAdapter = (key, language) => {
return i18NextTranslationFunction(key, { lng: language });

The editor will fallback to English if you don't pass any translation callback.

Also see the documentation page on localization for more details.

if you need to overwrite the logic to create the urls per request you can pass a custom url generator. It is possible to inherit from UrlGenerator and overwrite the baseUrl function if needed.The url generator can also be used to add CSRF tokens to POST URLs.

See the third-party H5PServer project for an implementation sample using the urlGenerator.

Allows you to customize styles and scripts of the client. Also allows passing in a lock implementation (needed for multi-process or clustered setups).

By passing in an implementation of IPermissionSystem you get fine-grained control over who can do what in your system. The library calls the methods of IPermissionSystem whenever a user performs an action that requires authorization.

If you leave options.permissionSystem undefined, the library will allow everything to everyone!

The contentUserDataStorage handles saving and loading user states, so users can continue where they left off when they reload the page or come back later. It must implement the IContentUserDataStorage interface.